How To Avoid Costly Mistakes When Expanding Your Business
The growth of your company can waste money, time, and resources if you don't manage your business well. It can even make the company lose money–read more here.
Hustlers don’t wait around for opportunities to come to them, they seek them out proactively. These successful people have invaluable life experience and their fingers in various pies. Sometimes, they share this life experience on social media platforms like Twitter.
Here’s a look at some of the most popular Celebrity Hustler Tweets to offer some inspiration and motivation:
“Turning points while they often come from moments of darkness, can steer us in the direction of great light… or light-bulb moments.”
Richard Branson has more than 10.5 million followers on Twitter and engages with them frequently. He shares opinions, daily motivation quotes, and interesting current events. He’s also a strong proponent of working smarter rather than harder.
“Your focus on hating yesterday is killing your opportunity to love tomorrow.”
Gary Vaynerchuk is one iconic Celebrity Hustler, which is why he is #2 on our list. He pushes his message of positivity and gratitude to all entrepreneurs. Gary explains to stop focusing on hating yesterday and focus on the opportunities that are coming tomorrow.
“We reap what we repeat.”
Whether it be bad habits, toxic relationships, or overspending on your budget. Your actions ultimately have consequences and they will continue to happen if you do not change. Stop repeating your bad traits.
“Fear stops action. Entrepreneurs have to be able to pivot and quickly take action..”
From the master of SEO, Neil Patel is a huge celebrity hustler in the entrepreneur industry. Our favorite tweet from him is where he explains the danger of being fearful. By being scared of risks, you'll never take action. Entrepreneurs must be able to make quick decisions and take action when needed.
“When things don’t work out like you want them to, it often ends up even better than you thought.”
Tai Lopez is often one of the first to come to mind when you think entrepreneurship. He explains that sometimes life doesn't work out in the way you want it to, but ultimately it often ends up even better than how you initially wanted it to. Everything happens for a reason.
“Time is more valuable than money, remember that!"
This hustler celebrity, Grant Cardone is well-known throughout this industry and he tweets how important your time is. You will always get money back, but you can never get your time back, remember that!
“Resilience is the most important trait for anyone in any profession.”
Steve Case is an entrepreneur and the co-founder of America Online. He shares wisdom based on experience with fellow business owners to help them soar. He often has interesting insights into entrepreneurship and the workspace environment that are worth noting.
“If you’re in a position in your life where you have a seat at the table, you have a responsibility to hold the door open for other women. Great businesses have diverse thinking at the top.”
Her brother might be more well-known, but Randi Zuckerberg is no slouch. She’s the founder of Zuckerberg Media and has a large following. She often conducts Like/Dislike surveys on different topics on her official Twitter Account.
“Your life is your message to the world. Make sure it’s inspiring.”
Lewis Howes might have a modest 122,000 followers, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t offer some great advice. He often tweets inspiring quotes and comments. He is also a host of a popular podcasts and conducts interviews with many personalities.
“Can immoral CEOs run moral companies? Nope.”
Caterina Fake is a serial entrepreneur and has helped found different successful companies like Flicker, Sundance, and Hunch. She definitely knows what she’s saying when she doles out some wisdom.
There are many such entrepreneurs on Twitter and most of them have something interesting to say. You’re sure to find someone you can connect with well on the platform.