Nick Santonastasso: Staying Positive in Challenging Times

Episode Description

In this episode, Alex Quin chats with Nick Santonastasso where we learn that the “biggest disability you can have is a bad mindset.” Nick, born with hand heart syndrome, not only survived this rare disease but overcame bullying with a bad mindset on life, became a wrestler, a body builder, a motivational speaker, and now a coach teaching other coaches how to make 6-7 figures online. You won't want to miss his impactful words of wisdom on how you can grow just by asking yourself the right questions and always staying positive. Alex breaks down Nick’s journey from childhood to now being one of the most influential and positive minds of our lifetime.

Wisdom Nuggets:

If you run away from failure, if you view failure as a foe or an enemy then you're never gonna grow in your life.

The quality of your life, comes down to the quality of the questions you ask yourself on a day to day basis. Ask yourself better questions. Instead of asking “Why Me”, ask yourself “ What can I learn from this.

Podcast Outline:

[01:15] What's going on everyone

[01:51] Social X was an event I hosted

[02:22] Nick why don't you give us a little bit of a breakdown

[02:52] They classified me with hand heart syndrome

[03:15] They told my parents I had a 30% chance to live

[03:53] Focus equals an emotion, your emotion then leads to an action

[04:55] One of my biggest challenges was...

[05:31] These are where our limiting beliefs stem from

[05:48] The secret sauce I was looking for was confidence

[07:13] Non negotiables are

[08:03] From there I wanted to become a wrestler

[08:47] You have to adapt to the world

[09:22] If you run away from failure

[10:59] The doctors amputated 5 inches off this arm

[11:23] What are we willing to sacrifice

[12:22] Love from afar

[13:24] It went internationally viral

[13:37] Becoming a bodybuilder

[13:57] Started a speaking company

[14:26] Daily non negotiables in team building

[15:25] My ultimate driving force is

[16:42] You need time that's not business

[17:06] Allocate time for your personal life

[19:29] Compassion

[21:02] The big lesson was

[23:21] BREAK

[23:56] What are you focusing on right now?

[24:32] High ticket coaching

[25:41] Not everyone is gonna relate

[27:06] Thats the purpose of this podcast

[28:22] Ask yourself better question

[28:46] See you next week

[19:29] Compassion

[21:02] The big lesson was

[23:21] BREAK

[23:56] What are you focusing on right now?

[24:32] High ticket coaching

[25:41] Not everyone is gonna relate

[27:06] Thats the purpose of this podcast

[28:22] Ask yourself better question[28:46] See you next week

Power Quotes:

“Focus equals an emotion, your emotion then leads to an action” - Nick Santonastasso
“Confidence is a skill and a muscle that you exercise. How you build confidence is you follow through on the very things that you say you're going to do” - Nick Santonastasso


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Alex Quin

Entrepreneur. Podcaster. Go-Getter.

Alex Quin is a full-stack marketing expert and global keynote speaker. Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of UADV Marketing - a member of the Forbes Agency Council.

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